Primate Pals – Frequently Asked Questions


How long until I receive my Primate Pal package and what do I get in my initial package?

It may take up to 14 days to process your sponsorship, assemble the sponsorship package, and mail it to you. If you have not received your package within 3 weeks of sponsorship, please contact us at In your sponsorship package you will find an official Primate Pal certificate, biography and photo of your Pal. This sponsorship also includes a one-year PRC Family Membership and invitation to attend our next Annual Member Event. Additionally, you will receive our newsletter “Reaching Out” so you can stay up to date on current events at the sanctuary, new residents and fundraising opportunities.

How long will my sponsorship last?

Each Primate Pal sponsorship lasts one year from the date of your initial donation.

How will my donation benefit my Pal?

100% of your donation goes to providing food, shelter, medical care and enrichment for your Pal. That means a nutritious, delicious and appropriate diet, safe and appropriate enclosures, comprehensive veterinary care, and fun and engaging items, structures, or activities to encourage natural behaviors which improve or maintain their physical, mental and emotional health.

Can I sponsor a primate as a gift to someone else?

Certainly! A Primate Pal sponsorship makes a great gift! Simply check the “Gift” box and fill out the necessary information on the form.

Is this sponsorship package appropriate for kids?

It is our firm belief that educating young people about the plight of primates in captivity will foster compassion towards animals and create a positive change for all animals on the planet. Some of the primates who live at the PRC have background stories that may be difficult for young children to understand; however, we encourage anyone interested in sponsoring a primate for a child to read through our website and create an open dialogue with the child to talk about any issues or questions they may have. It is our hope that a Primate Pal sponsorship for a child will teach them that compassion can make a real difference in an animal’s life.

How will I receive updates about my Pal or where can I find more information about my Primate Pal?

Your sponsorship package includes updates throughout the year via email and/or mail. Be sure to provide an email address that you check regularly so that you can keep up with your Pal! If you are not receiving updates, please let us know at Information about your Pal can also be found in the “Our Residents” section of our website, and you can find more pictures and video of your Pal on our Facebook page (, on Twitter (@prim8rescue), on Instagram (@prim8rescue), or our YouTube channel (

After my 1-year sponsorship is over, how do I renew my sponsorship? Will my sponsorship renew automatically?

For Recurring Monthly Donation Sponsorships: You will receive an email and/or mail notification prior to your sponsorship renewal date which will allow you the opportunity to respond and make any changes to your sponsorship. Unless we hear otherwise from you, your monthly sponsorship will automatically renew and monthly recurring donations will continue. For Full Annual Donation Sponsorships (one-time $150 donation): You will also receive an email and/or mail notification prior to your sponsorship renewal date. We must receive approval from you before we will renew your sponsorship and charge your card.

What do I get for renewing my Primate Pal sponsorship?

You or your gift recipient will receive a letter and small renewal gift to show our appreciation for your continued support.

Can I sponsor a different resident each year, or sponsor more than one primate at the same time?

Sure! Each year you have the option to continue sponsoring your current Primate Pal or to choose another. There are many incredible residents, and we can even suggest a Pal for you! Email us a or call at (859) 858-4866 if you need help choosing a new Pal. To sponsor more than one primate at a time, just fill out separate forms on the website for each of the primates you would like to sponsor and we will make sure you receive materials and updates for each of your Pals. Each sponsorship requires a $150/year donation, which can be paid in full or in monthly installments.

How do I increase my monthly or annual donation toward my Pal’s care?

If you’d like to give more toward your Pal’s care, just send us an email at or call us at (859) 858-4866 to let us know the amount you’d like to donate monthly or annually. Also, when you receive notification from us via email that it’s time to renew your sponsorship, you have the option of choosing a different donation amount through our online form link in the email.

What happens if the resident I sponsored passes away?

Although it is heartbreaking, we do occasionally have to cope with the passing of a resident. If your Primate Pal passes away, you will be notified via mail and have the opportunity to choose another primate to sponsor for the remainder of your sponsorship term. You may also choose to continue donating in your Pal’s memory, in which all funds will go towards the care of all sanctuary residents.

Important Note: Primate Pals is a sponsorship program. Your donation is supporting a specific Primate Rescue Center resident and will be directed towards their care at the sanctuary. The Primate Rescue Center NEVER places primates in human homes, and you will not actually receive a primate to live in your home with this sponsorship donation.