
The Social Primate

The Social Primate

In general, primates are social animals. There are many benefits for being a part of a social system, one being protection. Of course, there are some exceptions to this general principle, for instance, the male orangutan, perhaps for the purpose of restraining the number of members competing for the same recourses, but this is not a common theme among the primate order.

Jake and Japanese Macaques

Jake and Japanese Macaques

My name is Alister Brown. I interned at the Primate Rescue Center from May to September in 2021. During my time, I was able to grow close to all of the primates on the property. Since I lived in the same building as the chimpanzees, I grew especially close to all...
Turning Trash Into Treasure

Turning Trash Into Treasure

Carley Burrow joined our PRC team of interns in the spring of 2019. Check out this creative and resourceful enrichment project she made for the monkeys!  Using a cardboard drink carrier, shredded paper, treats, a cardboard box, a pen, four medium length zip ties and...
Welcome to the Team!

Welcome to the Team!

The Primate Rescue Center’s volunteer and intern programs are thriving as we continue to add new faces to the roster each year. These dedicated and hardworking individuals are an essential part of our caregiving team and help us meet our goal of providing excellent...
We Love Our Summer Interns!

We Love Our Summer Interns!

Over the years, the Primate Rescue Center’s Internship Program has grown into an incredible teaching and learning opportunity for interested individuals from across the globe. Interns become immersed in nearly all daily tasks that occur at the sanctuary, learning...